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India's Rural Jobs Programme: A Dismal Appraisal -Jean Drèze In the backdrop of workers taking to the streets on Labour Day to protest against their status, here is why the government's rural jobs guarantee programme presents an alarming picture today. Declining expenditure Central Government expenditure on NREGA declined from Rs 40,100 crores in 2010-11 to Rs 38,597 crores in 2014-5. In real terms, this MEAns a decline of about 30% over four years. As a ratio of GDP, Central Government expenditure...

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Housing plan: BPL out, caste census in -Basant Kumar Mohanty

-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Centre plans to change the criteria for selecting the beneficiaries of its rural housing scheme for the poor, dropping the earlier poverty-list-based method for one that uses a points system based on the ongoing caste census. The government believes the proposed reform will achieve better targeting by including deserving families left out of the below-poverty-line (BPL) list, but critics feel it would leave a huge number of...

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Shankar Aggarwal, Union Labour Secretary, speaks to Somesh Jha

-Business Standard The Centre proposed a slew of MEAsures for workers ahead of Labour Day. Suggesting flexibility for employers in hiring and firing labour, it also proposed provisions for a better compensation package. Union Labour Secretary Shankar Aggarwal tells Somesh Jha both workers and employers should be ready for a change demanded by the new dynamism of the economy. Edited excerpts: * How important is rationalisation of trade unions? Unions are formed so...

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41% of all girls aged 19 in India have married, census data reveals

-The Times of India Marriage at a later age than in the past is a reality, but teenage brides are by no MEAns as uncommon as we might think, with 41.3% of all girls aged 19 in India having married, according to just-released data from the 2011 census. Of over 10 million girls of this age at the time of the census, more than 4.1 million were married or already divorced,...

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Delhi Govt to Form Its Own Education Board

-Outlook New Delhi: Promising a revamp of Delhi's education system, the state government today said it will form its own education board on the lines of CBSE and NCERT, come out with new syllabus and also amend existing education laws. In a first-of-its kind interaction under one roof, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisosia today met principals of all the government schools at Tyagraj Stadium here. The announcement came...

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