-The Times of India CHENNAI: The city corporation seems to be leaving no stone unturned in its effort to market the popular Amma canteen scheme. Every team of visiting officials, the civic body's officials ensure, is shown around at least one of the subsidized canteens. The visitors, from across the country or even abroad, may have come to study the style of functioning of the city administration but get to see one...
A big bang reform that may be spot on -TT Ram Mohan
-The Hindu The reassuring message in the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana is that in pursuing its economic objectives, the government wants to accord an important role to the public sector even while relying on market mechanisms The goal is hard to achieve. It is costly and unviable. It will create huge stresses in the banking system. The Narendra Modi government's Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (JDY), an ambitious scheme for financial...
More »Cashing in on UPA schemes, NDA takes them a step further -Ruhi Tewari
-The Indian Express At a high-level meeting in July itself, Modi set a target of one billion Aadhaar enrolments "at the earliest". Putting to rest speculation about the fate of the previous UPA government's most ambitious scheme - issuing Aadhaar cards and linking all benefits to this unique identity - the NDA government has given it a decisive push with Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself taking a keen interest in its rollout. At...
More »ICDS Fails to Reach Children in Similipal -Hemant Kumar Rout
-The New Indian Express BALASORE: At Gudugudia anganwadi centre, eggs are hardly given in the lunch to children flouting new guidelines of the Government that egg curry must be served to the students in the age group of three to six years thrice a week. In case of pregnant and lactating women, eggs are served once in two months. There is no permanent anganwadi worker in the centre since October, 2013....
More »An Unequal Childhood -Pavithra S Rangan
-Outlook Education remains a preserve of the rich as India's states renege on the 25 per cent reservation the RTE Act promises to the poor It is a day of trepidation for Prakash. A short, gawky man in his early thirties, he is among the several anxious parents waiting at a Bangalore school for the draw of lots to commence, he perhaps more anxious than the others. The process begins finally,...
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