Tomoto price has plummeted to Rs. 4 a kg in the wholesale markets in Royakottai, Krishnagiri, Shoolagiri and Hosur because of a bumper crop this season. The price now ranges between Rs. 4 and Rs. 5 a kg. Because of the substantial drop in the price and increase in prices of inputs and seeds and workers' wages tomato farmers have incurred heavy loss. Hosur is one of the prime agricultural belts...
Bid to bring MGNREGA pay at par with minimum wages by Anindo Dey
With the state government finally increasing the minimum wages by 35% from January 1, 2011, the focus of the on-going Mazdoor Haq Yatra in the state is now on increasing the wages under MGNREGA from the current freeze at Rs 100 to meet the minimum wages. Not only activists of the Yatra plan to rake up this issue nationally, but with their prime demands from the state met, the entire focus...
More »Rajasthan refuses to recognise NREGA workers' union by Sreelatha Menon
The registrar of trade unions in Rajasthan has refused permission to National Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGA) workers to form a union, on the grounds that they do not qualify as workmen. When the Majdoor Kisan Sangharsh Samiti – formed by NREGA workers under the guidance of NAC member Aruna Roy – approached the registration office, they were told that NREGA workers don't qualify as 'workmen' as defined in the Industrial Disputes...
More »NREGS work mostly useless, must move to land husbandry: Panel by Sreelatha Menon
The Ministry of Rural Development is working on on several issues related to its most ambitious programme — the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS). Six sub committees set up by the Central Employment Guarantee Council (CEGC), which was formed under the NREG Act (NREGA – the law enacted to implement the NREGS programme), have raised questions on issues ranging from the utility of work done through NREGS to transparency,...
KEY TRENDS • Maternal Mortality Ratio for India was 370 in 2000, 286 in 2005, 210 in 2010, 158 in 2015 and 145 in 2017. Therefore, the MMRatio for the country decreased by almost 61 percent between 2000 and 2017 *14 • As per the NSS 71st round, among rural females aged 5-29 years, the main reasons for dropping out/ discontinuance were: engagement in domestic activities, not interested in education, financial constraints and marriage. Among rural males aged...
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