-The Indian Express Sending a terse message to the government against "muzzling" voices of dissent, the Delhi High Court directed authorities Thursday to expunge the "offload" remark from the passport of Greenpeace activist Priya Pillai, remove her name from a database and allow her to travel abroad. Stating that the right of free speech and expression "necessarily includes the right to criticise and dissent", Justice Rajiv Shakdher, in a 39-page order, said:...
Losing the plots -Pratap Bhanu Mehta
-The Indian Express The debate over the land acquisition bill is increasingly marked by political tone deafness and legislative hubris. The government has offered minor amendments. But most of them are designed to display its consistent ability to be too clever by half rather than its ability to address deep issues. The 2013 bill had been framed in the context of several issues. The now much-maligned Land Acquisition Act of 1894...
More »44 per cent college students: Women must accept violence - Chaitanya Mallapur
-Indiaspend.org A nationwide survey on youth attitudes reveals mindsets that haven't kept pace with the changing times on issues related to gender and society India is a political democracy, but India's society is not democratic. That has been a hypothesis offered by many social scientists. Now there is empirical proof - from India's hope for the future, its school and college students. * 65 per cent school...
More »Putting the ‘universal’ in healthcare -Lant Pritchett & Gulzar Natarajan
-The Indian Express Universal health coverage (UHC) is at the heart of the government's healthcare agenda. The 12th Five Year Plan targets a long-term goal of UHC where "each individual would have assured access to a defined essential range of medicines and treatment at an affordable price, which would be entirely free for a large percentage of the population". But this year's reduced budgetary allocation raises troublesome questions about its ability...
More »Highlights of Union Budget 2015
-The Hindu FM's Budget speech dwelt on agriculture, public investments in infrastructure, manufacturing and social sector spending. States to be equal partners in economic growth; move to making India cashless society; social sector programmes to continue. Some of the challenges mentioned by the Finance Minister are: poor agricultural income, decline in manufacturing ; and the need for fiscal discipline. Here are sector-wise highlights: TAXATION 1 Abolition of Wealth Tax. 2 Additional 2% surcharge for the super...
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