Total Matching Records found : 2492

PDS beneficiaries oppose cash transfers in Nagri block of Jharkhand

  Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) or cash transfer might appear attractive on papers, but in reality it is opposed by its beneficiaries when implemented. Something similar to this has happened in the Nagri block of Ranchi district, where cash is being transferred to the aadhaar seeded bank accounts of beneficiaries in lieu of providing subsidized foodgrains. Cash transfers in the public distribution system (PDS) have been in opeRation in the Nagri block...

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Jharkhand govt's bank transfer pilot for food subsidies turns a nightmare -Ashlin Mathew

-National Herald More than 25% of the villagers in Nagri, near Ranchi, where the pilot was introduced, have not received subsidies. Most have made multiple trips to the banks wasting their money and yet no solution Aychi Nagduwar is 85 years old and she lives with her 40-year-old mentally-challenged son in Singhpur near Ranchi. The food subsidy supposed to be credited by the Jharkhand government under the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme...

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How DBT is causing tremendous inconvenience and why most people are unhappy with it A survey, coordinated by well-known academic Jean Drèze and researcher Nazar Khalid, has found an overwhelming popular opposition to the direct bank transfer (DBT) experiment in Jharkhand. Details of the survey: Glitches in the system have deprived people of nearly half of their food Rations in the last four months. When they do get their Rations, people spend 12 hours collecting them, on average. Most people are opposed to the new...

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"DBT for food subsidy" experiment in Jharkhand dismal failure, most people oppose it

-Press Release from Right to Food Campaign (dated 24 February, 2018) Glitches in the system have deprived people of nearly half of their food Rations in the last four months. When they do get their Rations, people spend 12 hours collecting them, on average. Most people are opposed to the new system. In early October 2017, the Government of Jharkhand began an experiment with “direct benefit transfer” (DBT) under the public distribution...

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To Bt or not to Bt: 60 lakh cotton farmers or a handful of vested interests? -Ram Kaundinya

-The Indian Express The government should not succumb to pressures for removal of trait fee on a technology that has made India the world’s No. 1 cotton producer. During the last cotton season, there were reports of the pink bollworm (PBW) not being effectively controlled, especially in some 700 villages of Maharashtra where the infestation of this insect pest was stated to be high. However, at a review meeting conducted by the...

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