The right to information act (RTI) which is hailed as a great leap forward in the direction of transparency in governance is under serious threat. The UPA government that showcased the historical act as one of its achievements in the last Lok Sabha elections now seems to be bowing down to the system’s high and mighty by proposing amendments which seem designed to take the sting out of the people’s...
Now an e-journal to fight child labour in Karnataka
It’s not hard to find tender hands of children as young as five washing utensils at roadside dhabas or girls below 14 working as domestic helps in India’s IT hub Bangalore. A new e—journal is being started in another effort to fight the menace. The State Resource Centre (SRC) on Child Labour is all set to start the bi-monthly journal within the next three months. “The idea behind the e-journal...
More »Development: Give rights pride of place by Arjun Sengupta
Development literature is now increasingly talking about rights-based development built on the appeal of the right-rhetoric when every government professes its commitment to realising human rights. Human rights are norms that bind a society and governments derive their legitimacy from fulfilling them. The source of these rights is many — natural rights, divine rights, inherent rights of human beings or self-evidence. The American Declaration of Independence of 1776 considered these...
More »Social and political dividends from NREGA by Vidya Subrahmaniam
In the final analysis, what makes any NREGA social audit worth all the pain and effort is the awareness it creates among poor beneficiaries. It is a measure of the hard labour that awaits NREGA activists in other States that a social audit conducted under blazing arc lights, and with so much official support, such as the one in Bhilwara in Rajasthan, could run into so many roadblocks. Virtually all...
More »Patta gift for Bonda tribals by Priya Abraham
Bhubaneswar, Oct. 18: Members of tribal communities living in the hills and forests of Malkangiri in Orissa are a jubilant lot these days, as they have finally become owners of land that they and their ancestors have been living on for years now. Cultivation being the main source of livelihood for them, possession of these title certificates for forestland (pattas) where they have been residing meant much to the Bondas, Koyas...
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