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Parties must adopt an agenda that guarantees women their rights -Jayanthi Natarajan

-The Hindustan Times The women's reservation Bill was passed in the Rajya Sabha in 2010 but has not yet been passed in the Lok Sabha. No other legislation in our democratic history has been discussed for so many years (15 years) without being passed or rejected. Such a delay has happened even though major parties support the Bill and there are 1.2-1.5 million women who hold elected office at the local level...

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Meghali Bora packs a rural economic revolution in her branded food products -Rahul Karmakar

-The Hindustan Times Jorhat (Assam): In 2006, ten years after she started selling coconut ladoos to bail her husband out of a debt trap, Meghali Bora met Kangkaan Pegu in Majuli, a 527 sq km island in river Brahmaputra off Jorhat town 305 km east of Guwahati. The latter suffered from bipolar disorder, a manic-depressive illness marked by suicidal tendencies. Bora taught Kangkaan her conquer-adversity mantra: if your life is in a...

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Farmers seek minimum income guarantee in manifestos-Gargi Parsai

-The Hindu     Representatives of more than 100 Farmers' organisations release a charter of demands Although the time for freebies is over as Lok Sabha elections have been announced and the model code of conduct is in place, more than 20 lakh Farmers across the country have sought assurance from political parties for a minimum income security for agriculture households. The income guarantee must reflect "inter-sectoral parity" which should match the salary of a...

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Converting backyards to farmlands

-The Hindu THRISSUR (Kerala): The only way to have poison-free vegetables is to cultivate them in the backyards of homes, Thrissur Archbishop Mar Andrews Thazhath has said. Promoting homestead vegetable cultivation was the responsibility of every person in the State, he added. After visiting ‘Agrifiesta 2014', an agricultural exhibition, the Archbishop said the technologies, machinery and implements developed by research institutions should reach Farmers. The exhibition has been organised by the Kerala...

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A faulty food security plan-Jean-Pierre Lehmann and Suddha Chakravartti

-The Financial Express The Indian success story increasingly looks like a tale of naivety and optimistic complacency. The Indian success story increasingly looks like a tale of naivety and optimistic complacency, with the fantasy of ‘India Shining' obfuscating the reality of widespread deprivation. Despite rapid economic growth during the past decade, millions continue to live in poverty and hunger. The Indian government aims to address abject hunger and malnutrition with the National Food...

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