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To know, is to protect-Madhav Gadgil and Ligia Noronha

A scientific and public scrutiny of the methodology used by the expert panel will only add to the efforts to save the Western Ghats. On May 23, the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) posted the report of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel (WGEEP) on its website honouring a Landmark judgment of the Central Information Commission triggered by an activist seeking access to the material. In this judgment, the CIC...

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Why It’s So Hard to Fix Land Acquisition-Tripti Lahiri

India Inc. was aghast at the recent report of a parliamentary committee that recommended that a new draft Land acquisition law limit occasions when the government may intervene to acquire Land for use by private firms. But in a paper published in the Economic and Political Weekly last month, Delhi University economics professor Ram Singh laid out data that supports the committee’s recommendations. Mr. Singh argues that government-driven Land acquisition is generally...

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Circle Officer suspended, discrepancy in distribution of Bhoodan Land too-Santosh Singh

Araria, Patna: The Bihar government today suspended Raniganj (Araria) Circle Officer Ramvilas Jha, who is facing a probe for engaging middlemen and his relatives to purchase Land plots at Kajra and Bistoria from farmers at dirt cheap rates and selling the same to the government at three to four times the price for its Mahadalit Land scheme. Revenue and Land reform department joint secretary Vijay Kumar Singh said the vigilance department...

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For Muslim women in Delhi, a breath of fresh air-Raksha Kumar

-The New York Times   New Delhi: Yasmeen Khan dons her burqa and steps out of her house in the Nizamuddin neighborhood of Delhi every evening to walk a short distance to a 10-foot-high stone wall. Behind the wall is paradise - a place where she can remove her burqa and hijab, enjoy cool fresh air in her hair, exercise and gossip with friends. Hundreds of women regularly visit the "Pardah Bagh," a...

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Government responds symbolically to basic needs, says National Advisory Council member Aruna Roy-Bharti Jain

-The Economic Times National Advisory Council member Aruna Roy has criticised the government for failing to deliver on Land reforms. Criticising the UPA dispensation for not convening a single meeting of the National Land Reforms Council (NLRC) since it was constituted over four years ago, Roy on Monday told ET that this reflected an "absolute lack of intent and the symbolic manner in which governments respond to some the most basic...

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