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Parliamentary panel studies pros and cons of GM food by Devesh Kumar

EVEN as the fate of Bt brinjal hangs in balance, the parliamentary standing committee attached to the agriculture ministry has started examining the pros and cons of introducing genetically-modified food in India, with a panel of experts coming out in favour of setting up a regulatory mechanism to monitor their implications. At the first meeting of the parliamentary panel on the sensitive subject here this afternoon, three experts, including Delhi...

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Campaign seeks clarity on grain entitlement by Gargi Parsai

Dissatisfied with the recommendation of the National Advisory Council (NAC) for “phased, time-bound universalisation of foodgrains entitlements” across the country, the Right to Food Campaign has announced its decision to mobilise people for a “comprehensive” Food Security Act. “A nationwide call will be given towards this at the national convention being held in Rourkela, Orissa, from August 6,” the Campaign, a conglomeration of activists and civil society groups, said in a...

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No amendments to RTE Act: Ministry

The government on Thursday said it did not propose any amendments to the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act that would dilute the Act's provisions. “There are some practical difficulties in the implementation of the Act that need to be addressed,” a senior official of the Human Resource Development Ministry said. “We are working out a reasonable way to address these issues to take the social agenda forward without...

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Soon, beating your child could land you in jail by Himanshi Dhawan

Parents who practice the dictum, 'spare the rod and spoil the child', had better watch out. The government is planning a legislation that will make meting out corporal punishment to a child an offence not just for educational institutions and care givers, but also for parents, relatives, neighbours and friends. In other words, just like in the US, children in India will be able to take parents or relatives to...

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Universal PDS only to the poorest: NAC by Ruhi Tewari & Padmaparna Ghosh

The Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) on Wednesday moved a step closer to introducing its ambitious food security legislation after the coalition’s political leadership agreed to restrict the proposed universal public distribution system (PDS) to the poorest of the poor in the initial phase. Members of the National Advisory Council, or NAC, which serves as the political interface between the government and the Congress party and is chaired by Congress president...

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