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Job scheme drubbing in mind, Jharkhand lays off JNNURM awards by Amit Gupta

Ranchi, Sept. 22: Chastised for its rural job scheme fiasco earlier this month, a mortified state has decided not to send nominations for an urban excellence award announced by the Centre for 65 cities, entrusted with the task of implementing development projects under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). In Jharkhand, three cities — Ranchi, Jamshedpur and Dhanbad — qualified as mission cities. But tripartite agreements were signed only...

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A nutrition scheme held hostage by contractors by Biraj Patnaik

There has been an animated debate in the past three years over the supply of food in the ICDS (Integrated Child Development Services) programme. Supplementary nutrition has been provided to all children under the age of six since the inception of the programme more than three decades ago. This was done with the recognition that the nutrition gap (between what children should be consuming every day and what they actually...

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Give Peace a Chance in Chhattisgarh

Many grassroots activists in Chhattisgarh are circulating a note among all democratic elements in the country to raise the demand of de-escalation of conflict between the security forces and the adivasis. They want lakhs of displaced adivasis of Dantewada be allowed to return to their villages and rebuild their ravaged agrarian and forest based economies. However, this time they also want an assurance from the state government on right to...

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Rs 1,000cr NREGS funds allowed to lapse

Ranchi, Sept. 12: Governor K. Sankaranarayanan has revealed that as much as Rs 1,000 crore had lapsed from funds meant for the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in 2008-09 in Jharkhand, prompting the Centre’s think-tank behind the job scheme to dub the state’s implementation record as “poor”. Calling the finding “unfortunate”, the governor today said the state could not afford to lose funds allocated for the welfare of the people....

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Legislating against hunger

The time has come for a comprehensive right-to-food law to tackle the deprivation and food insecurity that haunts India.  Over the last decade or so, a series of developments have drawn attention to the problem of food security. These are the persistence of hunger in many parts of the country being juxtaposed with food surpluses and stocks; the adverse impact of globalisation on agriculture and rising food prices resulting in...

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