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Don’t block GM research, Pawar tells states-Ravish Tiwari and Amitabh Sinha

-The Indian Express Almost three years after a genetically-engineered variety of brinjal (Bt brinjal) was put on indefinite hold — putting a question mark on the fate of genetically-modified crops in India — the government is making efforts make up for the time lost and put research in GM science back on track. In a fervent appeal to all chief ministers, some of whom have taken a public position against GM crops,...

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The Dark And The Sublime: The Story Of Rajat Gupta-Shaili Chopra

-Tehelka The sentencing of Wall Street wizard Rajat Gupta in the historic insider trading case has led to the fall of a one-time icon for many Indians “This is where destiny is taking me.” This is what former Goldman Sachs Group Inc director, Rajat Gupta, told old friend Pramod Bhasin, as he sat with a glass of scotch in hand, in a mid-town bar in New York. Little did Gupta know how prophetic...

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Blameless but forced to live behind jail walls -Ambika Pandit

-The Times of India They stay in cramped prison spaces with minimum facilities at their disposal. But they're not criminals. They are the children of women who have been convicted or are facing trial. Over 800 children up to the age of six are languishing in prisons across seven states and union territories, including Delhi, for no fault of their own. Sadly, the juvenile justice system is yet to make room...

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Driving the wrong way on road safety -G Ananthakrishnan

-The Hindu India’s roads are deadlier than ever. The high rates of death and disability expose the lack of an organised system of traffic management and safety. Road safety is no one’s responsibility. It is time to make someone accountable. On the final day of this year’s ‘puja’ season in Chennai, a particular roadside temple near the iconic Central Railway Station had the long annual line of vehicles — vans, tempos, taxis,...

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Activists to intensify demand for Dayamani Barla’s release

-The Hindu She led a movement against acquisition of farmland Activists and supporters of Dayamani Barla, award-winning tribal activist and journalist who was released on bail in a case but arrested soon after in another case on October 19 in Ranchi, are preparing to intensify their demand for her release. They have decided to move for her bail on November 29 and the Adivasi Moolvasi Astitva Raksha Manchi (AMARM) has announced a protest...

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