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Jairam Ramesh backs deeming SCs/STs poor -Subodh Ghildiyal

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Rural development minister Jairam Ramesh has come out in support of the demand that SCs/STs be deemed to be poor with the exclusion of government employees and tax payers among them, adding a new twist to the debate on the identification of poor. Responding to the issue raised by social justice minister Selja, Ramesh told TOI, "I am for dalits and tribals being considered poor with...

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Cultivable land continues to shrink -Vishwa Mohan

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Cultivable land in India continues to shrink. It may not pose an immediate problem for the nation's food security but its long-term effect could be disastrous with the country needing more and more foodgrains to support its growing population. Latest data from the agriculture ministry shows that as many as 20 states reported decrease in cultivable land to the extent of 790,000 hectares in four years...

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Bad MNREGA jobs planning causing farm labour shortage: panel

-PTI New Delhi: Amid differences between rural development and agriculture ministries over implementation of works under rural job scheme, a parliamentary panel said that improper planning of jobs during farm season was causing labour availability problem in the key sector. "... Lack of proper planning of works under MNREGA without keeping in view of local agriculture practice is causing the problem of labour availability in agriculture sector," Parliamentary Standing Committee on Rural...

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Human bondage still exists in villages-Sathish GT

-The Hindu 40 families of Ragimaruru village have been bonded labourers for decades Hassan (Karnataka): While the rest of the country celebrates Independence Day, the much-vaunted freedom has no meaning for around 40 families of Ragimaruru village in Arakalgudu taluk, who have been bonded labourers for years. They work every day for a day's off can attract the wrath of their masters. And, there are no specified working hours. They have to report...

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Government should reward progressing states, not backwardness

-The Economic Times The government, reportedly, is creating a new composite development index to rank states that use new, more comprehensive criteria. Since the 12th Finance Commission recommended special grants for backward regions, in addition to special allocation of Plan funds to so-called Special Category states, there has been some enthusiasm among state leaders for accentuating their respective state's backwardness. Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar has invested a lot of political...

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