-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Localized air pollution, posing an environmental and health challenge, has been linked to the presence of 'heat islands' in Delhi - pockets which are significantly warmer than their surroundings. A study of these localized 'hot spots', compiled after a controversy over a Delhi versus Beijing pollution scare, revealed that vehicular congestion in conjunction with highly built-up areas is creating worrying levels of pollution, affecting a significant...
Only 106 cops per 1 lakh Indians -Deeptiman Tiwary
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: At a time when people feel increasingly unsafe on the streets and spectre of terror attacks keeps security agencies on the toes, India stares at an abysmal police - population ratio of 106 policemen per one lakh people - less than half of the UN recommended figure of 222. Even at the senior level, 1093 IPS posts are lying vacant, according to the latest government...
More »Food subsidy can fill poverty gap, twice-Puja Mehra
-The Hindu Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram's estimate for India's 2014-15 food subsidy bill of Rs 1,15,000 crore in the interim budget is more than twice of India's Poverty Gap, or the cost of pushing all households above the poverty line if cash transfers were used instead. The Poverty Gap for India, as per the latest NSSO Consumption Expenditure Survey data available (for the year 2011-12) is Rs. 55,744 crore. A...
More »2014 Lok Sabha polls will see most first-time voters-Rukmini S
-The Hindu Election Commission data show that 2.3 crore people in the 18-19 age bracket have been enrolled to vote, out of a total electorate of 81.5 crore This Lok Sabha election is likely to reflect the peak of India's electoral demographic dividend with 10% of voters likely to be first-time voters, a combination of electoral and demographic data shows. As fertility begins to decline - faster in the south than in...
More »Sugar and Gram Dal Prices Register Declining Trends
-Press Information Bureau (Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution) The retail and wholesale prices of sugar across selected centers have shown declining trends during last three months across the main market centers in the country. As on February 2, 2014. The average wholesale price of sugar as on 12.2.2014 was Rs. 3168 per quintal, down from the one year back price of Rs. 3519 per quintal. Similarly, the retail...
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