Total Matching Records found : 13733

Struck off in one blow -Gopalkrishna Gandhi

-The Hindu The Planning Commission needed to be returned to its first purposes, to its transparent and audacious planning for an India progressing without old enervations and new injustices to prosperity. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. The 18th century nursery rhyme, its original probably a riddle, is loved for the one image it invokes - a great fall. The picture of a dumpy egg, of a being...

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CAG seeks RTI powers to access govt records -Pradeep Thakur

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) wants the Narendra Modi government to give it Right to Information (RTI) powers as it has been facing problems in obtaining details relevant to its audits of government finances and decision making. CAG Shashi Kant Sharma has written a letter to finance minister Arun Jaitley demanding that the national auditor should be given RTI powers to access information and a...

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Are women really working less in India? -CP Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh

-The Hindu Business Line The national sample survey shows there has been a substantial shift from paid or recognised work to unpaid domestic activities for both rural and urban women There has been much discussion on the evidence from recent NSS large sample surveys on employment, of the significant decline in women's workforce participation rates. Various explanations have been offered for this, including rising real wages that have allowed women in poor households...

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Acute scarcity of cane seeds may hit sugar production

-Deccan Chronicle Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu): Sugar production may be hit in Tamil Nadu as the state stares at a "serious shortage" of sugarcane seeds due to erratic and deficit rainfall over the last three successive years, warned Dr N. Vijayan Nair, director of the Sugarcane Breeding Institute.Presenting a bleak scenario of sugarcane production in Tamil Nadu, the official said cane farmers will surely be in distress in the coming years. Echoing...

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Neediest gain least from health care drive -GS Mudur

-The Telegraph New Delhi: India's poorest and socially underprivileged people seem to have benefited the least from a set of government programmes launched over the past decade to reduce personal expenses on health care, research suggests. A team of health economists has found that the financial burden of health care on India's poorest 20 per cent, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Muslims has outpaced that on the richest 20 per cent and...

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