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Centre shifts NREGA focus, targets assets creation by Maulshree Seth

Five years after launching the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, the UPA government is now shifting the focus from mere employment generation to creation of durable assets. With this focus, the Union Ministry of Rural Development has come out with the “MGNREGA works field manual”, which lays down “do’s and don’ts” for the states. The manual has been prepared by a team of experts headed by GN Sharma, who is consultant...

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Agricultural land in UP has reduced by Neha Shukla

The state of environment report released by UP environment directorate says more and more of prime agricultural land is getting diverted to non-agricultural uses in the state. "Land is under severe pressure and has been subjected to many kinds of degradation", says the report Strangely, the number of very small land holdings has gone up considerably. The report highlights need for integrated land and Water management including drainage for preventing further...

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Looking beyond paddy, finally by Sukhdeep Kaur

Punjab's attempts at diversification from Water-guzzling paddy hasn’t made much headway. With looming desertification and reverse flow from Water-logged blocks having brackish groundWater to areas where the groundWater table is fast depleting, the need to diversify has been underlined since long. Even in a lean monsoon year (2009), there was a record harvest of the crop. Its acreage did not fall even last year when a major part of the paddy...

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Acquisition made easy by Richard Mahapatra

New land acquisition bill won’t bring relief to tribals Debate over land acquisition for “public purposes” has turned into a chasing game for more compensation. There is political competition over which ruling party gives more money as compensation for land. It has become a “we v them” game. In between we have lost track of the key issues related to land acquisition. This long-standing debate never revolved around compensation alone. To begin...

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When the government peddles POSCO by Javed Iqbal

‘Employment generation’ is the rationale used by every government official from the prime minister to the land acquisition officer to justify the displacement of people for industrial projects. Farmers are aware they are masters of their land but servants of a company. As for compensation, Basu Behera of Noriyasahi, a POSCO project-affected village, said: “I cultivate betel vines, kaju, about 50 quintals of rice yearly and I get coconuts, pineapples, mangoes....

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