Delhi has reconfirmed its position as the worst city in the country as far as women’s safety is concerned. Last year, with 452 rapes, it emerged as the most unsafe. With 178 rape cases, Mumbai had 278 fewer rapes than Delhi, but 112 more than neighbouring Pune’s 66 and a lot more than Kolkata’s 40 — something that’s come as a shocker for a city that prides itself in being...
Waiting for second revolution
After failing to come anywhere near the 10th Five Year Plan (2002-07) target of 4 per cent per annum rate of growth of agriculTural output, the Planning Commission has projected a lower target growth rate of 3 to 3.5 per cent per annum for the 11th Plan period. While some may view this as a more modest target, others may consider it as still far too ambitious, given the track...
More »Population Research Presents a Sobering Prognosis
With 267 people being born every minute and 108 dying, the world’s population will top seven billion next year, a research group projects, while the ratio of working-age adults to support the elderly in developed countries declines precipitously because of lower birthrates and longer life spans. In a sobering assessment of those two trends, William P. Butz, president of the Population Reference Bureau, said that “chronically low birthrates in developed countries...
More »Signalling a shift to universal PDS by Gargi Parsai
The NAC's recommendations on food security measures take heed of the fact that PDS reform is dependent on the availability of enough foodgrains. Three major elements of the United Progressive Alliance government's commitment to provide food security to the people are reforming the public distribution system (PDS), raising foodgrain productivity and production, and creating a decentralised, modern warehousing system. Ideally, the reforms in the PDS should have come first for the availability...
More »Now, caste wars over mid-day meal in UP by Manjari Mishra
Caste war in UP seems to be assuming different dimensions, proves recent spate of mid-day meal boycott in UP government schools. The two major incidents at Sonbhadra and Kannauj which led to a lunch hour rebellion in more than a dozen schools over a month, were triggered off by a power-play between Dalits and backwards while the `savarnas\' -- in minuscule minority -- were relegated to the role of fringe...
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