-The Hindustan Times Bollywood star Aamir Khan had two simple prescriptions for a Parliamentary committee to reduce high health costs for citizens. First, make doctors prescribe generic medicines rather than brands. Second, set up a regulator to ensure big pharmaceutical don’t take over smaller ones and monopolise the medicine market. Khan and his team were invited on Thursday by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Commerce headed by BJP MP Shanta Kumar, which...
Green Economy: India slams developed nations
-PTI India on Thursday said it is disappointed with the “weak” political will in developed countries to provide developing nations enhanced means of implementation of objectives of Green Economy, which will also be a “green-wash” if the process is not democratised. As around 100 world leaders including Prime Minister Manmohan Singh gathered in Rio de Janeiro for the Rio+20 Summit, India also firmly rejected unilateral measures and trade barriers under the guise...
More »Census rewriting SC, ST narrative-Anil Padmanabhan & Remya Nair
-Live Mint Latest houselisting data demonstrates a visible growth in the material well-being of the two groups Indians, all of them, across class and caste, traded up over the past decade, a period of rapid and record economic growth—that’s the counter-intuitive message in the latest update to Census 2011. According to the so-called houselisting data released by the census, scheduled castes (SCs) and scheduled tribes (STs) have, like the rest of the country,...
More »Cry in the wilderness-Vikhar Ahmed Sayeed
By stopping social security pensions, the Karnataka government has put the lives of over 10 lakh poor in peril. Naveen Basavaraj Kuntoji is nine years old and suffers from cerebral palsy. His movements are greatly restricted, and it looks like he is in great pain every time he valiantly wills his body to do something. When he is hungry, he slowly lifts his hand and points to his mouth. When this...
More »India's major policy concerns to be addressed at Rio 20+ conference
-The Economic Times Indian officials say the agreement that will be ratified by government leaders at the Rio 20+ conference on sustainable development on Friday addresses their major concerns even as NGOs stepped up their opposition to the final text, saying it contained no specific commitments and no timetables. Government officials say the outcome document, called the "The Future We Want'', retains the principle of Common But Differentiated Responsibility (CBDR), which creates...
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