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Posco project: Steel Minister asks Ramesh to be ‘pragmatic’

Peeved at the appointment of “activists” in the forest panel for clearing Rs 54,000 crore steel project of Posco, Steel Minsiter Virbhadra Singh advised Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh to be “pragmatic.” “The approach has to be pragmatic and not dogmatic. When there is an issue of development some sort of compromises have to be made,” Mr. Singh told PTI, when asked as to what his advice would be for Jairam Ramesh...

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21 tribals vs 12 mn tonnes of steel by Amitabh Sinha

Both Posco and the Orissa government said there were no tribals on the land for Posco’s 12 mn tonne steel plant. The presence of 21 tribals in the voters list has hit their credibility and probably the plant as well A 4-member environment ministry committee has recommended that the environmental clearances given to Posco be revoked for the violation of existing laws, for serious lapses and suppression of facts. As always,...

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Activists Say Land Rights Law Isn’t Helping Tribals by Tripti Lahiri

When India’s Forest Rights Act was passed in 2006, it was criticized by environmentalists who were concerned that it would undo the country’s wildlife reserves. On the flip side, tribal rights advocates were concerned that the people the law was really meant to help wouldn’t benefit. Since it came into effect in January 2008, India has blocked at least one megaproject – Vedanta’s bauxite mine in Orissa – on the grounds...

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FAO launches 2nd State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture report

The genetic diversity of the plants that we grow and eat and their “wild relatives” could be lost forever, threatening future food security, unless special efforts are stepped up to not only conserve but also utilize them, especially in developing countries. This is one of the key messages of the second report on The State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, launched today by FAO.   The...

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Farmers ready to part with land by Anil Kumar M

Karnataka's political classes might be striking deals and engaging in a war of words, but this has in no way affected the smooth progress of work for some of the multi-billion dollar industrial projects in the state. ArcelorMittal, the world's largest steel producer, which plans to set up a 6-million tonne per annum plant in Bellary district with an estimated investment of Rs 30,000 crore, is now seeing farmers come forward...

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