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Rural income on rise: study-Asit Ranjan MIShra

-Live Mint The latest numbers may lead to a significant decline in the poverty level India’s rural income grew at a much faster clip between 2010 and 2012 than in the previous years, according to the provisional results of the 68th round of the consumption expenditure survey carried out by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO). The latest numbers may lead to a significant decline in the poverty level once the Planning ComMISsion...

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Brand Anna: Why Anna Hazare failed to attract crowds this time-Rahul Sachitanand

-The Times of India MUMBAI: A year ago, nothing could go wrong for 73-year-old Anna Hazare. The antigraft crusader's campaign attracted a groundswell from a disillusioned populace tired of corruption as a way of life. The movement succeeded in building Anna into a brand that millions of Indian consumers — most of them young and social media-savvy — bought into. A year down the line, that brand is frayed at the seams. The...

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Amartya Sen, Nobel laureate interviewed by Sagarika Ghose

Nobel laureate Amartya Sen believes that Team Anna's reading of corruption or what causes corruption or how it can removed is wrong, and that they need to look at how the economic system operates.   In an exclusive interview with CNN-IBN Deputy Editor Sagarika Ghose, Nobel laureate Amartya Sen said that instead of fasting and protesting, one should try and change the systems that provided incentives for corruption. Below is the transcript of...

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Cop gets jail for not filing accurate FIR-Parimal Dabhi

-The Indian Express Ahmedabad: Manubhai Karsanbhai Patel, a retired policeman who was the first investigating officer in the Dipda Darwaza massacre case, on Monday became the first policeman to be convicted and sentenced in any of the post-Godhra riot cases. Patel was charged with not filing an accurate FIR, not reporting that 11 people had gone MISsing on the day of the riot and not protecting evidence of the massacre. He was...

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Black Monday: A disaster just waiting to happen-Sanjay Dutta

-The Times of India Monday's blackout in nine northern states following a grid collapse was a disaster waiting to happen. With most states in the region facing perennial shortages of power, they are prone to drawing more than their share from the grid, leaving it precariously poised. Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan are notorious among load despatchers for their wanton disregard of planned drawal. All are agricultural states and also house...

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