Total Matching Records found : 13733

Changes in labour law will affect half of all factories -Surabhi

-The Indian Express The original Act identifies a factory based on the number of workers employed. More than half the factories across the country may be exempt from the restrictive provisions applicable under the current legislative framework, with the Factories Amendment Bill, 2014 proposing to revise the definition of a factory by effectively doubling the threshold of the number of workers employed in such a unit. The move is expected to ease...

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Food security and Rodrik’s trilemma -Mihir Shah

-The Hindu The government deserves congratulations for its firm stand at the WTO, which finds support in Rodrik's trilemma The Princeton don Dani Rodrik is one of the world's leading economists. He is a firm believer in and supporter of globalisation. However, he has also posed a famous "globalisation trilemma." A trilemma describes a situation where only two of three things can hold true at the same time. If any two out...

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Forecast lifts cloud of drought

-The Telegraph New Delhi: India's weather agency has revised its 2014 monsoon forecast downwards, predicting 13 per cent rainfall deficit instead of 7 per cent forecast earlier this year, cautioning that yields of several crops may decline but dismissing fears of a widespread drought. The India Meteorological Department today said the rainfall during the remaining six weeks of the monsoon season will be much better than over the past two months. But...

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Lessons learned from India’s midday meal scheme for schoolchildren -Paromita Pain

-The Guardian Scares over lizard and worms in food highlight flaws in flagship programme as India struggles to reach most remote schools Karulihai (Madhya Pradesh): The dirt roads leading to the village of Karulihai in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh make for a bumpy ride. As clouds of dust settle on the windscreen, it's easy to miss the one-room school that stands in the middle of the field. Voices of children,...

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Commodities price ease as monsoon advances -Suresh P Iyengar

-The Hindu Business Line Edible oil, sugar prices drop sharply as rainfall deficit shrinks to 19% Mumbai: With the monsoon deficit shrinking and the Government keen to crack down on hoarders, prices of most essential commodities such as edible oil, sugar and wheat are showing signs of softening in the wholesale market. After a lacklustre start, the South-West monsoon has recovered since mid-July. The rainfall deficit has shrunk to 19 per cent currently.....

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