-The Indian Express Indian farmers are under stress this year. Earlier, many of them lost their crops in the kharif season, which was almost a drought with monsoon rains falling 12 per cent below their long-period average. Now unseasonal rains have impacted them adversely in the rabi season. Agri-GDP growth this year, expected to be a meagre 1.1 per cent before the unseasonal rains, may fall flat to just zero, if...
Alone, with the mounting loan -Tomojit Basu
-The Hindu Business Line Farmers across Uttar Pradesh and Punjab lament weather woes and lack of social security Consumers may be bracing themselves for rising prices of vegetables and fruits, but the unseasonal heavy showers and hailstorms through the first half of March have already dealt a significant blow to farmers across much of the northern, central and western belts. Agriculture Ministry estimates earlier this week showed that Rabi crops in about 181...
More »Impact of public transport on Delhi -Vishal Kant
-The Hindu One of the major reasons for the fall in road accidents in the last decade coincides with the metro gradually becoming the principal artery of public transport Despite increased traffic, Delhi saw its lowest number of fatal accidents in a decade in 2014. Delhi Police data reveal that 1,595 deaths were reported (1,559 accidents) in 2014, compared to 1,754 in 2013; 1,866 in 2012; 2,110 in 2011; 2,153 in 2010;...
More »India’s unfinished agricultural and rural revolution -Uma Lele
-The Financial Express The BJP's resounding Lok Sabha victory after years of policy paralysis raised a widely-shared hope that the government, led by PM Narendra Modi, will put India back on track by resuming inclusive growth. And that agriculture and rural development would be at the centre of the agenda. Half the employment still comes from agriculture, though it contributes just 14% to the GDP. India contains the largest number of...
More »NDA seeks framework to revive agriculture -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com A national task force on agriculture will recommend ways to reinvigorate agriculture, strategies for reforms New Delhi: The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government has formed a task force to suggest ways to boost agriculture, demonstrating its commitment to farmers in a year when rural incomes have been hit by freak weather and a slump in the prices of key crops. The task force, under the aegis of NITI Aayog, the successor...
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