-Livemint.com The government’s model law for agricultural reforms aims to allow farmers a wider choice of markets beyond the local mandi New Delhi: The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government is working on creating a common agricultural market that will improve the lot of farmers and the efficiencies of India’s notoriously inefficient farm-produce markets. The government put out a model law proposing a fundamental reset in the way agricultural markets operate on 24 April....
Muslim Personal Laws Most Progressive of All Communities: Legal Luminaries at Kolkata Seminar
-CaravanDaily.com Advocate Flavia Agnes, who has written extensively on women’s issues said that the court ban on triple talaq will prove ineffective as Muslim men may then start deserting their wives. She also accused the media of ignorance over the subject and suggested that they were playing into the hands of vested interests by only highlighting certain kind of reports related to Muslim women. KOLKATA: “Among all personal laws, I regard Muslim...
More »The Centre Has Abdicated Its Responsibility to Farmers THRough Its Pricing Policies -Kavitha Kuruganti
-TheWire.in The insurance coverage in 2015 was 22.3%, with a government expenditure of Rs 2,955 crore. But by spending 4.5x since, how does the government admit to a coverage of only 23%? Farmer suicides and agrarian distress have likely never been among the national public debates as they are right now. A group of Tamil Nadu farmers, whose protests in New Delhi were dubbed ‘bizarre’ but who were actually desperate for debate and...
More »Left-led Kerala govt will be first in country to provide insurance, free medical treatment for migrant workers -Rejimon K
-Firstpost.com Bhupesh Roy is from Assam but he is a long way from home. He has been working in the southern state of Kerala in the construction sector for the past four years and earns around Rs 500 a day, for an average of 20 days a month. “Two months ago, I fell sick. I had food poisoning and was admitted to hospital. I had fever too. For a week, I...
More »Outsource Govt Services, Bring in Pvt Sector Talent, Suggests Niti Aayog
-Outlook Policy think-tank Niti Aayog has suggested outsourcing of public services to private hands in order to reduce dependence on the government administrative machinery. It has also recommended induction of specialists into the governance system THRough lateral entry, a move which, it says, will bring "competition to the established career bureaucracy". In its draft report on a THRee-year action agenda made public recently, the Niti Aayog has set a target of full- digitisation...
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