The son of a former Madhya Pradesh chief minister has been questioned by police in connection with RTI activist Shehla Masood's murder. Two other BJP leaders have been sent notices to appear before the investigating team. BJP MLA from Bhopal Dhruv Narayan Singh, who is also the son of former late chief minister Govind Narayan Singh, has been questioned about his relationship with Masood. Of the two other BJP leaders,...
Court's case by V Venkatesan
ON August 3, the Chief Information Commissioner, Satyananda Mishra, delivered two important decisions directing the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) of the Supreme Court to answer certain questions about the functioning of the court to information-seekers in the manner they have sought it. In the first case, Commodore Lokesh K. Batra (Retd) vs CPIO, Supreme Court of India, the appellant had sought details about those cases pending in the Supreme Court...
More »Towards transparency in public procurement by Sandeep Verma
In her pre-Independence Day address, the President of India advocated the need for enhanced transparency and accountability in government, stressing the need for the adoption of rational and practical approaches in addressing these challenges. Her choice of qualifiers is significant, since the need for reform is especially being felt in government contracts, with recent government initiatives such as enacting a formal public procurement law for India, and for laying down...
More »Crop holiday and food security by MS Swaminathan
August is usually the preferred month for family holidays in Europe, because of abundant sunshine and warm weather. In India, normally, this is the south-west monsoon season and a busy period for farmers. This year, however, several farm families in coastal Andhra Pradesh, the rice bowl of the country, are reported to have declared ‘crop holiday’. This is because the rice mills have not been lifting even last years’ crop....
More »Fodder scam: Pleas of Lalu, Jagannath Mishra rejected
-IANS A Bihar court Thursday dismissed the discharge petitions filed by former Bihar chief ministers Lalu Prasad and Jagannath Mishra, among 11 accused, in a scam related to fraudulent withdrawal of Rs.47 lakh from the state treasury to purchase fodder for public distribution, court officials said. A designated Central Bureau of Investigation court dismissed the discharge petitions after hearing the arguments in the case. After the arguments were completed in the first week...
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