-The Hindu The National Campaign for People's Right to Information has expressed its concern at the reported official move to exclude agencies such as the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the National Investigation Agency (NIA), and the National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID) from the Right to Information Act. In a statement signed by Aruna Roy, Nikhil Dey, Prashant Bhushan, Venkatesh Nayak and Anjali Bharadwaj, among others, the NCPRI described the proposed exclusion...
Net check by Rahul Matthan
The recently notified Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011, have set the cat among the pigeons. The Rules contain everything one would expect to find in a full-blown privacy legislation, with separate provisions covering the manner in which companies collect, disclose and transfer personal data. There is widespread concern that the Rules will disrupt the way in which companies do business...
More »Undernutrition, poverty & NREGS by Raghbendra Jha, Raghav Gaiha & Manoj K Pandey
In the hue and cry over minimum wages under NREGS, battle lines have been drawn between those who favour central government hiking minimum wage rates to the state minimum, and others asserting that the two must be delinked. While the former invoke 'a right to livelihood', the latter point to the NREGS being 'the employer of the last resort and the imperative of better targeting'. While these views have some merit,...
More »Centre to enact law to define drinking water standards by K Balchand
In India you have quality standards specifications for soft drinks, but none for potable water. The Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, under the Ministry of Rural Development, is now seeking to correct the record, and, thankfully, the exercise will cover urban habitations too. The department has found the current legal environment for enforcing and regulating drinking water standards very weak in the country as they focus on issues related to...
More »Telling Escape by Chandrani Banerjee
Soon, RTI won’t get info out of the CBI Mirror Turns Opaque * CBI proposes an exemption from giving information under RTI * Law ministry gives it green signal based on Gopal Subramanium’s opinion * All it requires is a department of personnel and training (DoPT) notification to get an exemption * Activists fear agencies will use this to deny citizens information *** Will the CBI be allowed not to divulge details...
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