-The Indian Express As against this claim, the Reserve Bank of India's latest data shows that the public sector banks could recover a total of only Rs 15,786 crore in the fiscal year 2016-17 and 2017-18 till December 31 through all recovery channels, including IBC. The BJP claimed on its Twitter account on Saturday that the “Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), 2016 has resulted in recovery of Rs 4 lakh crore out...
Between 2015 & 2016, suicide by farmers fell but suicide by agricultural labourers grew
The total number of farm suicides in the country has reduced from 12,602 to 11,370 between 2015 and 2016 viz. a fall by 9.8 percent. This has been revealed recently in a reply by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Parshottam Rupala in the Lok Sabha. So, one may wonder why there is such a hue and cry about rural distress and agrarian crisis...
More »CIC de-links Aadhaar and pension
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Central Information Commission on Tuesday said there should be no delay in payment of pension to senior citizens on the pretext of linking accounts with a beneficiary's Aadhaar number. "In the name of linking to Aadhaar or other such conditions, the public authority cannot delay the payment of pension to senior citizens and retired employees in view of their post-retirement requirements," information commissioner Sridhar Acharyulu said. He said...
More »What Supreme Court's dilution of SC/ST Act means for Dalit women -Ragini Bhuyan
-Livemint.com Crimes against Dalit women constitute the biggest category of crimes against Dalits registered under the SC/ST Act Mumbai: A dilution of the stringent provisions of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 is going to affect Dalit women far more than men. Nearly a fifth of cases registered under the Atrocities Act are crimes against women. If one excludes the category “others” (which includes various miscellaneous crimes), crimes...
More »Unemployment Rate in India: Nearly 31 million Indians are jobless
-The Times of India The number of job-seeking people in India has always been on a high. As per information available on the official website of the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), there are currently nearly 31 million unemployed Indians looking for jobs. CMIE is a board that tracks business and economic data of the country. It was noted that in the week ended on February 25, the unemployment rate increased...
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