-The Hindu Earlier it had said 122 farmers had committed suicide in a single district in the State In an unusual development, the West Bengal Government has retracted its response to a Right to Information (RTI) query where it had said 122 farmers had committed suicide in a single district in the State. The State Government has told the RTI applicant that the report, which was sent earlier to him, was “erroneous and...
Demolitions Not Only Continue to Wreck Livelihoods, Now Used as 'Punitive Measure’: Report
-TheWire.in Governments demolished 36,486 houses in 2021 – meaning at least 100 homes were destroyed every day. In other words, at least 567 were evicted every day or 24 people lost their homes every hour. New Delhi: The latest report of the Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN) on forced evictions in India has pointed to the new disturbing trend of “demolitions as a punitive measure” by various state governments and noted...
More »The electoral bonds scheme and the challenges to it in Supreme Court -Diksha Munjal
-The Hindu So far, from March 2018 to April 2022, over 18 thousand bonds worth over ₹9.8 thousand crore have been sold by the SBI in 20 tranches The story so far: The Supreme Court is expected to hear the petition filed by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) challenging the Centre’s electoral bonds Scheme soon. . The plea has been pending since 2017. The interim petitions seeking to stay the electoral bonds...
More »No Transparency, Accountability or Public Participation when ISA Approves Exploratory Deep-Sea Mining
-Press release by Mineral Inheritors Rights Association (MIRA) dated September 21, 2022 The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) declares that the area beyond the limits of national jurisdiction (comprising the seabed, ocean floor and subsoil, excluding the water above) (the “Area”) and its resources, are the Common Heritage of Humankind. All rights in the resources of the Area are vested in humankind as a whole. UNCLOS provides...
More »Noncommunicable diseases now ‘top killers globally’ – UN health agency report
-United Nations News From heart disease to cancer and diabetes, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) now outnumber infectious diseases as the “top killers globally,” the UN health agency said in a new report, released on Wednesday, with one person under 70 dying every two seconds from an NCD. The report and new data portal, was launched on the sidelines of the 77th session of the General Assembly, at an event co-organized by the World...
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