Later this week, the Registrar General of India (RGI) will unveil the first flush of its findings from the 15th census. This once-in-a-decade effort is the seventh in independent India and is expected to showcase an entirely new set of vital statistics, consistent with the ongoing social and economic transformation of the country and something that should enthuse demographers and policy planners alike. Expectations are that the array of socio-economic data...
Govt aiming for broadband in 5 lakh villages
The telecom ministry is likely to provide rural wireless broadband connections to over 5 lakh villages in one-and-a-half years The telecom ministry is likely to provide rural wireless broadband connections to over 5 lakh villages in one-and-a-half years and will provide a subsidy to both state-owned and private service providers operators from the Universal Service Obligation Fund for this purpose. “Wireless broadband to cover about five lakh villages... time period, you see,...
More »Haryana gears up for lifting wheat
Haryana government has made all arrangements for smooth procurement of wheat during the Rabi season-2011. The state government was committed to make the payments to farmers within 48-72 hours, said state minister for food and supplies minister HS Chattha here on Thursday. The minister said the state arranged cash credit limit of R7,373 crore for purchase of wheat from Reserve Bank of India. Chattha said that wheat procurement season had been notified...
More »New MGNREGA social audit norms to make them independent by Anindo Dey
The social audit of schemes under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee Act (MGNREGA) now permits the involvement of outsiders in the process as facilitators. A new set of rules framed by the ministry of rural development for such audits has been approved. Christened Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee Audits of Schemes Rules 2011, the rules ensure the audit process is independent of agencies implementing the scheme and the...
More »CACP backs subsidy tool for hybrid rice use by Sanjeeb Mukherjee
The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP), the government's main advisory body on pricing policy for farm produce, has favoured a subsidy mechanism to encourage use of hybrid rice varieties. The commission's views are likely to be a part of the recommendations it plans to send to the government on pricing of farm produce. "China has gone ahead in hybrid rice and around 63 per cent of its total area is...
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