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Health cover hurdle for elderly -Mayur Shetty

-The Economic Times The elderly will find it hard to buy health insurance with the public sector insurers BRInging down agent commissions by more than a third for policies sold to those over 55. Companies with high claims, too, will find it difficult to get agents to service them as group policies where claims exceed premium will not be eligible for commission. The new commission structure that is effective from this month...

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PCI wants law changed to BRIng TV, social media under its umbrella

-The Hindu Terming broadcasters’ attempts at self-regulation “futile and meaningless,” the Press Council of India (PCI) has asked the government to amend law and BRIng the electronic media — both broadcast and social — under the ambit of an expanded and renamed Media Council. PCI chairman Markandey Katju has been urging the inclusion of the electronic media under the Council’s regulatory umbrella ever since he took charge last year. However, the recent...

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This Bill for acquisition is not steep at all-Jairam Ramesh, K Raju & Muhammad Khan

-The Hindu In her article in The Hindu, (“Nailing the lie of the land,” Op-Ed, August 23, 2012), Ms Medha Patkar has forcefully and with reason argued against the devastating consequences of land acquisition. Without getting into the concerns raised with regard to the larger “development model” we would like to respond to the issues she has raised with the proposed Bill on Land Acquisition which seem predicated on an understanding...

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Medha Patkar responds

-The Hindu The response to my article by Mr. Jairam Ramesh, Union Minister for Rural Development, and his colleagues is a welcome move towards a public debate which we have suggested, time and again, should be held in every State with all people’s organisations. I would like to BRIefly reply to some points in the Minister’s response: His argument that land is finite cannot be used to justify forcible acquisition. The Bill...

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Consensus eludes UPA on land Bill-Liz Mathew

-Live Mint Cabinet refers land acquisition Bill to GoM to resolve differences after five ministers express apprehensions Differences within the Union cabinet have nixed the plans of the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) to fast-track a new legislation for land acquisition and compensation, widely seen as a key measure to spur investment in the economy. Consequently, the cabinet on Tuesday referred the controversial land acquisition Bill to a ministerial group (a so-called group...

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