-The United Nations With more than one in five indigenous livestock breeds at risk of extinction, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today welcomed progress in many countries aimed at maintaining livestock diversity, but warned that more needs to be done to save what amounts to a critical resource for food production. In a news release, FAO noted that 80 national Governments are highlighting their actions in reports presented to...
Foreign NGOs giving a push to protestors? -Chetan Chauhan
-The Hindustan Times The recent spurt in protests against projects from Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu to Mahan coal block in Madhya Pradesh to Tata’s Power Plant in Mundra, Gujarat, has raised a key question --- are American and European philanthropic groups supporting these agitations? A conference organised by such groups from the two most developed regions of the world --- US and Europe --- in Istanbul this July provides an insight how...
More »NICE: Farmers were paid a pittance for their land
-DNA On July 18, 2012, social activist TJ Abraham had filed a complaint with the court stating that while constructing the NICE Road, huge tracts of land has been grabbed illegally. The land belonged to Poor people and farmers and has been purchased for lesser price than the market value. NICE for its project has occupied 20,193 acres land in total, in which it illegally encroached around 5,972 acres, Abraham had filed...
More »“Untouchability is an instrument in the hands of the upper castes”-Shazia Nigar
-Tehelka Dalit and Tribal activists plan a “Dilli Chalo” campaign demanding an amendment to the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Prevention of Atrocities Act The National Coalition for Strengthening Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Prevention of Atrocities Act on Thursday 25 October 2012, announced the launch of “Dilli Chalo” a nationwide campaign to pressurise the government to amend the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Prevention of Atrocities Act. The campaign will culminate...
More »Story in a sentence
-The Indian Express The Rajat Gupta case provokes a question: Could the Indian system handle such a situation as well? Rajat Gupta has got two years in prison for insider trading, a fraction of the term sought by the prosecution. It is a fair sentence, delivered without regard for the multiple pressures that had been brought to bear on this much-publicised case. The handling of the case — among about 60 others...
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