This month a group of Dalit (or Untouchables, as they were formerly labelled) students organised a Beef Festival in Osmania University of Hyderabad. It was the festival to assert their culinary rights in public and make a political statement of dietary habits of Dalits and Muslims – by cooking and eating beef Biryani on campus. About 2000 students participated and although it started out well, the festival was disrupted and students...
Call to stem dipping sex ratio-Radhika Ramaseshan
The National Advisory Council has asked the Centre to formulate a national policy to stem the declining sex ratio at birth that it believed was “located at the complex interface of the status of women in Indian society, patriarchal social mores and prejudice, spread and misuse of medical technology and the changing aspirations of urban and rural society”. The council’s draft recommendations — prepared by members Farah Naqvi and A.K. Shiva...
More »Study Shows Unique ID’s Reach to India’s Poor-Amol Sharma
When India embarked on its “unique ID” project in the fall of 2010, pledging to distribute unique 12-digit numbers to 1.2 billion people, the hope was that hundreds of millions of Indians who don’t have a passport, driver’s license or other credible identity document would get one – and with it, a ticket to essential government and private sector services. A new survey led by Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New...
More »Girl child cash sop in dowry storm-Chetan Chauhan
-The Hindustan Times The National Advisory Council (NAC) has cast serious doubts on the government's cash-incentive scheme to check female foeticide and correct India's skewed sex ratio, saying the money given out under the plan is indirectly promoting dowry. The Centre and 13 states have been offering cash incentives to poor families with the twin aim of saving the girl child and supporting her after she turns 18. The scheme was introduced...
More »NGOs oppose home-based care for disabled children under RTE by Aarti Dhar
“It is a violation of the child's right to be included in education system” Some non-governmental organisations have opposed the recent amendment to the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, which makes home-based education a right for children with multiple and severe disabilities. The clause says: “Provided that a child with ‘multiple disabilities' referred to in Clause (h) and a child with ‘severe disability' referred to in Clause...
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