-The Hindu Corruption in LPG distribution had increased the most, while police was the agency most likely to require a bribe. Nearly half of Delhi’s respondents in a survey on corruption said it had decreased in the State government, but a third of households reported having had to pay a bribe in the last 12 months. Respondents felt that corruption in the distribution of LPG had increased the most, while the police...
Winter monsoon set to quench southern states -Zia Haq
-Hindustan Times India’s back-to-back drought is likely to end in winter with the weather department predicting higher-than-normal rainfall between October and December in the southern part of the country and normal rains in the rest, boosting prospects of the winter harvest. The rabi, or winter-sown, season is vital since it accounts for nearly half the country’s total food output. The forecast eases worries about water shortages in the nation’s 89 nationally important...
More »Who are the beef eaters in India? -Roshan Kishore & Ishan Anand
-Livemint.com More than 80 million people eat beef/buff in India, including 12.5 million Hindus The lynching of a Muslim man in Uttar Pradesh for allegedly storing and consuming beef a few weeks ago has sparked a heated debate about banning the meat. Predictably, battle lines have also been drawn around religious groups. But data from the latest National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) round shows that around 80 million people—around 1 of every...
More »Gap widening between rural and urban India -Puja Mehra
-The Hindu Rural Indians do not seem to have benefitted as much from falling inflation as their urban counterparts. While inflation has been slowing both in rural and urban areas of the country, there is a widening difference between the two as rural inflation is decelerating at a much slower pace. The resultant gap between rural and urban inflation has more than doubled over the last one year, data analysed by HSBC...
More »Kerala SHG women show the way -R Vimal Kumar
-The Hindu Tirupur (Tamil Nadu): A group of self-help group women from Kerala is showing the way in mechanised paddy transplantation which was now initiated for the first time in a commercial way in Tirupur district this season. Expertise of members of Haritha Vanitha Labour Bank, a women self-help group at Kollangode in Palakkad district, who were trained in mechanised paddy transplantation and harvest techniques by the Kerala Government, are called...
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