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‘Paid news' interferes with concept of free, fair and objective press: Pratibha Patil by Jiby Kattakayam

Ramnath Goenka Award for Journalist of the Year goes to Siddharth Varadarajan of The Hindu “Today issues are trivialised and trivial issues become headlines” “Audiences, readers still welcome well-researched stories” President Pratibha Patil on Thursday said the recent phenomenon of ‘paid news' could distort news and this interfered with the concept of a free, fair and objective press. Speaking after presenting the 4 {+t} {+h} Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards at the Taj...

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One Bride for 2 Brothers: A Custom Fades in India by Lydia Polgreen

Buddhi Devi was 14 when she was betrothed. In India, that is not unusual: many marry young. Her intended was a boy from her village who was two years younger — that, too, was not strange. But she was also supposed to marry her future husband’s younger brother, once he was old enough. Now 70 and a widow who is still married— one of her husbands is dead — Ms. Devi...

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AG bats for forest ministry in Niyamgiri mining row by Urmi A Goswami

Vedanta’s plans to source bauxite from Niyamgiri hills in Kalahandi district of Orissa appear to have run into trouble with the Attorney General opining that the ministry of environment has the powers to stop diversion of forest land till rights of tribals under the Forest Rights Act are settled. After the environment ministry kept on hold clearance for the Vedanta project, questions were raised on the mandate of the department...

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House panel points to corruption in NREGA by Devesh Kumar

The meeting of the standing committee on the rural development ministry on Wednesday saw members, cutting across party lines, pick loopholes, and complain of large-scale corruption, in the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). The parliamentary panel, which is headed by former Union minister and BJP leader Sumitra Mahajan, had on the discussion table the UPA government’s flagship rural development programme , and members voiced their...

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Children fuel Bt cotton boom by Urvashi Dev Rawal

In this land of rolling hills, made lush by the monsoon, traffic ceases after dusk. So it is unusual to hear jeeps running through the night on the winding roads of tribal south Rajasthan. Through the day, the local police, villagers and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are out in force, trying to stop what they can only slow—the mass trafficking of children across the border into Gujarat from the Rajasthan districts that...

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