Some people feel agriculture in India provides employment much beyond its capacity — that is, the number of people working on the farm is many times the actual requirement. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is among the proponents of this view. In his interaction with a group of editors last month, Singh said, “The only way we can raise our heads above poverty is for more people to be taken out of...
Majority of Indians back state schemes for poor
Now, India is saying what the government already knew. Two-thirds of India (66%) feel government programmes like the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, Bharat Nirman and Rural Health Mission are the best way to ensure that the benefits of India’s steroid-charged growth rates reach those who have been left out of the "India Shining" story. A Hindustan Times-CNN IBN survey conducted by Research organisation C fore of 1,621 adults...
More »Fresh press panel sought by P Sunderarajan
Editorial space being sold daily: Nayar Favours abolition of contract system “Newspapers becoming pro-establishment” Former Member of Parliament and veteran journalist Kuldip Nayar on Tuesday called for the setting up of a press commission to go into issues such as “paid news.” Noting that the last time a press commission was set up was in 1977, he said it was time for a fresh one in the light of developments over the past three...
More »Country grappling with mixed burden of diseases: Azad by Aarti Dhar
As the country grapples with a “mixed burden” of diseases that beset the developing as well as developed countries, Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad on Monday said adequate Research was needed to deal with the challenge of non-communicable and re-emerging diseases. Addressing the centenary celebrations of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) here, Mr. Azad said as the country moved from a developing nation to the...
More »India's climate change report to be released Tuesday
The country will release its first assessment report on Tuesday, on the impact of climate change on agriculture, health, water and forests in four regions of the country. The report, covering the Himalayas, the Western Ghats, the coastal zone and the northeast has been prepared by the Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA) comprising 220 scientists from 120 Research institutions across the country. "We need to know what would be...
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