-Economic and Political Weekly Every successive reform in labour laws fails to plug the loopholes. The passage of the three labour code bills by Parliament —the Industrial Relations Code (IRC) Bill, 2020, the Code on Social Security (CSS) Bill, 2020, and the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code (OSHWCC) Bill, 2020—and the Code on Wages (CW) Bill enacted in 2019 is the first major milestone in labour market reforms in over...
Time poverty is making Indian women lose more money than ever -Jayati Ghosh
-ThePrint.in In ‘Labouring women’, economist Jayati Ghosh writes about what Indian policymakers are getting wrong in their measure of poverty. Among the various aspects of deprivation related to poverty and inequality, one aspect which has seldom attracted the attention of scholars and policy-makers equally is that of time poverty. Ignoring this important dimension actually results from a related and possibly more substantive deficiency: the inadequate conception of what constitutes work that underlies...
More »Brutality of Hathras crime, brazen police abdication, have shaken and shamed us all -Nandita Rao and Iti Pandey
-The Indian Express We hope that our judiciary will exercise its immense constitutional power to lead and supervise a free, fair and speedy investigation into the heinous allegation of brutal rape and the completely illegal forced cremation and illegal detention by the UP police. People who died of the plague or some other contagious disease were carried out of the village and their bodies were burnt without the dignity of a proper...
More »Hathras case: Upper caste group holds panchayat in favour of accused, demands CBI inquiry -Kumar Abhishek
-IndiaToday.in Members of Savarn Samaj organised the panchayat in Bhagna village, about 5 km from Boolgadi of which the 19-year-old Dalit girl was a resident. Hathras: Workers affiliated with the Savarn Samaj staged a dharna in Uttar Pradesh's Hathras on Friday demanding justice for the men accused of brutalising a 19-year-old Dalit girl. A panchayat was also held in favour of the four accused who are in police custody. Calls were raised during...
More »Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Union Labour and Employment Minister, interviewed by Damini Nath (The Hindu)
-The Hindu The existing labour laws fell short in responding to the changed world of work The recently passed Code on Social Security, the Industrial Relations Code and the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, which along with the Code on Wages, 2019 subsume 29 labour laws into four codes, were passed after widespread consultations, says Union Labour and Employment Minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar * There has been criticism about the manner...
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