-Deccan Herald As primitive tribes continue to be in a state of acute poverty, ‘schedule area’ status for settlements of evicted tribals from Nagarahole National Park will favour their development. The status will also solve the problem of representation of tribals in political institutions, which will help them benefit from the welfare programmes aimed at them, said Muzaffar Assadi, Chairman of the High Court-appointed Committee on Tribal Issues of Rajiv Gandhi...
India can learn from others, tax policies should boost women empowerment-Lubna Kably
-The Times of India The Companies Bill, 2012, passed by the Lok Sabha a few months ago, has recognised the importance of diversity in the board room. Certain class of companies will soon be required to have at least one woman director on board. The EU has long recognised the value that women directors bring to the table. But, policies need to be reworked even at the ground level. With the budget...
More »Aadhaar enrolment may take four more months-B Chandrashekhar
-The Hindu Hyderabad: Completion of Aadhaar enrolment, opening of bank accounts for all beneficiaries of welfare schemes and seeding of unique identity numbers with the bank accounts in the State is likely to take over six months, notwithstanding the government plans to wind up the work over the next two months. Official sources told The Hindu that it would take nothing less than four months to complete the exercise in all respects...
More »DoT Issues Orders To Block 78 URLs; 73 URLs With IIPM Content-Nikhil Pahwa
-Medianama.com Note: Following this report, other publications and civil society organizations are providing more context on this development. We’ve curating read-worthy updates here as a followup to this post. Important: CERT-IN’s Gulshan Rai has said that blocks have been implemented on the basis of an order issued by a Court in Gwalior, according to a report from Livemint. Hence, DoT is only implementing the Court’s instructions. Earlier today: India’s Department of Telecommunications yesterday...
More »Amartya Sen for strengthening Food Security Bill -Aditi Nigam
-The Hindu Business Line Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen on Friday said that the tabling of the Food Security Bill in Parliament was “a big achievement”, but also drew attention to its shortcomings and called for it to be strengthened, especially with regard to child entitlements. He was participating in a panel discussion on ‘Hunger and Nutrition: Time to Act’ held at IIT- Delhi, with Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Shantha...
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