Total Matching Records found : 9389

Organic farming not a hot potato, meet Nalanda man who set world record!-Pankaj Kumar

-Governance Now Rakesh Kumar now swears by organic farming — in three years, he has maximised yield and minimised input cost If Rakesh Kumar is over the moon — and he has every reason to be, having just set the world record in per-hectare potato harvest — he does not show it. An unassuming man, the 35-year-old Nalanda resident smiles when you mention his record but for both Kumar and his family...

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Mirage of development -Lyla Bavadam

-Frontline Social development indicators in Gujarat are poor, proving that development in the State is lopsided On a hot day last November near Rajkot, Ramjibhai Patel, an octogenarian farmer, pointed to the middle distance and said, “See that lake?” There was indeed a shimmer in the dry landscape indicating water, but after a relatively poor monsoon, it seemed improbable. Chuckling, he said, “Yes, I see doubt on your face and you are...

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62 people lost vision after cataract surgery at camps in Chhattisgarh

-PTI Of the 62 patients who lost sight in an eye, 44 were operated in camps at Balod, 4 in Durg and 14 in Mahasamund Raipur: Chhattisgarh government on Wednesday admitted in the state assembly that as many as 62 people were left blind in one eye after they underwent procedures at the cataract operation camps held for last two years in the state. Of the 62 patients who lost sight in an...

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Regulators are sometimes too close to industry: Hari Narayan-Deepti Bhaskaran

-Live Mint Former Irda chief spells out the problems with regulating the insurance sector in an interview Regulators are sometimes not too keen on laying down the law because they may be too close to the industry that they are charged with making sure is complying with rules, said J. Hari Narayan, who stepped down on Wednesday as chairman of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Irda).   “There is a lot going on...

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UN report examines link between hormone-disrupting chemicals and Health problems

-The United Nations Many chemicals found in household and industrial products that have not been adequately tested could have disrupting effects on the hormone system and lead to significant Health issues, according to a United Nations report released today. The report highlights some associations between exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and Health problems such as breast cancer in women, prostate cancer, attention deficit and hyperactivity in children and thyroid cancer. “Chemical products...

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