-PTI INLD workers clash with police at Rohini court before and after sentencing In a judgement that could have electoral ramifications in Haryana, former Chief Minister Om Prakash Chautala and his son Ajay Chautala were on Tuesday sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for corruption amidst scenes of violence by his supporters in a Delhi court complex. Special CBI Judge Vinod Kumar, who last week had convicted the Chautalas and 53 others, including two...
Gujarat assembly now a crorepati club
-The Times of India AHMEDABAD: The 13th Gujarat assembly, which is meeting for the first time on Tuesday, is the No. 1 crorepati club. While the present Lok Sabha has 58 per cent crorepati MPs and the Rajya Sabha 65 per cent, the state assembly has 74 per cent, or 134 of the 182 MLAs have assets of Rs 1 crore or more. The last state assembly constituted in 2007, had...
More »State of ferment-Ritambhara Hebbar
-The Indian Express In Jharkhand, a gap between politics of the tribal movement and electoral politics The recent dissolution of the Jharkhand assembly has brought to the fore the political uncertainty that hounds the state, with no leader or party managing to emerge as a viable representative of the people of Jharkhand. How does one interpret this feature, which many argue is unique to Jharkhand? Why is it that Jharkhand, particularly since...
More »Practice of paid news found in Gujarat polls: Katju
-Jagran Post Jabalpur (MP): Press Council of India (PCI) chairman Justice Markandey Katju on Friday released a report on Gujarat polls which claimed that the malpractice of paid news was noticed on a large-scale in the recently held elections. Releasing the report before the media here, Katju said that the team has found large-scale practice of paid news, both in print and electronic media, in the recent Gujarat Assembly Elections. The...
More »Needed, urgent electoral reforms -Navin Chawla
-The Hindu When a political party puts up candidates with criminal charges, it results in the alienation of large sections of people from the political class and politics itself When the Election Commission of India turned 60 on January 25, 2010, The Hindu opened its lead editorial of January 29 with the words, “After overseeing 15 General Elections to the Lok Sabha, the ECI, in its diamond jubilee year, can with justifiable...
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