-Scroll.in Led by the All India Kisan Sabha, the protestors are planning to protest at the Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha on Monday. Thousands of farmers in Maharashtra are marching from Nashik to Mumbai, demanding a complete waiver of loans and electricity bills, NDTV reported on Thursday. They are also demanding the implementation of the Swaminathan Commission’s recommendations on providing minimum support prices and safeguarding the interests of small farmers. “We want the state...
For Last 12 Yrs This Farmer From Assam Is Fighting To Save Indigenous Variety Of Rice -Shraddha Goled
-TheLogicalIndian.com In a bid to save the nearly-extinct indigenous rice variety, Mahan Chandra Borah started a unique library. This library is unique because it has collection of heirloom rice landraces(local) of the Assam. “Annapurna Rice Seed Library” seeks to store and promote the cultivation of these rice seeds. Rice is grown in abundance in North Eastern part of our country. Assam is home to many different varieties of rice.There are four types...
More »The ecologically subsidised city: on Kolkata's wetland communities -Aseem Shrivastava
-The Hindu What Dhrubajyoti Ghosh closely observed and learnt from Kolkata’s wetland communities If ever there was someone who lived true to his name, it was Dhrubajyoti Ghosh. In Sanskrit, “Dhrubajyoti” refers to the light (jyoti) emitted by the pole star (dhruva tara). The ecologist, who passed away in February, was unwavering in his commitment to the cause he lived for and fearlessly defended: saving the ecologically critical East Kolkata Wetlands from...
More »We mean business, mostly -Pradeep Narayanan & Dheeraj
-The Hindu Business Line Lack of financial transparency and social inclusion is at the root of India’s lopsided growth story, finds the India Responsible Business Index ‘Sab kuchh dikhta hai (everything is visible)’, the tag line of the now controversial Rotomac pens seems to assume a sinister meaning in light of the recent financial fraud involving owners Vikram and Rahul Kothari. The recently unearthed Nirav Modi scam, with no LoU [Letter of Understanding]...
More »The changing politics of food price inflation -Sonal Varma and Aurodeep Nandi
-Livemint.com Linking MSPs to a multiple of costs and ignoring other dynamics, such as demand and global prices, risks creating distortions and disincentivizing productivity Government policymaking seems to be making a volte-face from supporting consumers (by keeping food inflation low), to supporting producers (by raising food prices). In the 2018-19 Union budget, the government “decided to keep minimum support prices (MSP) for all unannounced crops of kharif at least at one-and-a-half times of...
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