-The Hindu Chhattisgarh records the fourth highest in the country. With 2,568 farmers’ suicides during 2014, Maharashtra recorded the highest number in the country, though activists pointed out that the number was far higher. The data released on Friday by the National Crime Records Bureau also show that Chhattisgarh is among the top four States in farmers’ suicides. According to the NCRB, Maharashtra recorded 578 fewer suicides than 2013, when 3,146 farmers ended their...
Decoding Karnataka debt trap: Rise of a new breed of private moneylenders -Sowmya Aji
-The Economic Times MANDYA: A new breed of moneylenders has pushed farmers of moneyed Mandya district in Karnataka into an endless debt trap, leading to mounting suicides, even as the institutionalised credit system has failed them. The system is so well entrenched that the borrowers themselves are taking steps to protect the moneylenders from a government crackdown on the practice. Farmers — big, small and marginal — have taken loans from private...
More »India’s suicide problem -Shamika Ravi
-The Indian Express Response to the crisis of farmer suicides is narrowly focused. Poor health accounts for most suicides, necessitating improved access to healthcare rather than special packages For over a decade, farmer suicides in India has been a serious public policy concern. More recently, this has led to a shrill media outcry and much politicking. The government response to the crisis of farmer suicide has mostly been simplistic and sometimes aggravating....
More »1 in 3 farmer suicides in Vidarbha over Rs 10,000 debt: Study -Kunal Purohit
-Hindustan Times Mumbai: Just how much debt does it take for a farmer in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra to take the extreme step of killing himself? The shocking findings of a new study reveal it could be as little as Rs 10,000. Days after fresh data from the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) revealed that Maharashtra has the highest number of suicides by distressed farmers among all states, a new analysis...
More »Dodgy Data: Farm Suicides Drop 67% In 5 Years -Devanik Saha
-IndiaSpend.com With 25 farmers in Karnataka committing suicide in June, it appears evident that rural India is in distress–the long-term cause, a growth rate of almost zero (0.2%), and the immediate cause, crop failures caused by two years of unseasonal winter rain. Crop failures = farmer suicides. That’s a familiar equation. But as rural distress grows, farmer suicides dropped 67% over five years to 2014, according to the latest data released by the...
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