-The Financial Express The Allahabad High Court on Monday gave Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath led Uttar Pradesh government 24 hours to produce before it all the orders on the basis of which it closed illegal meat shops in the state. The Lucknow court had ordered the state counsel on March 27th to produce the order by April 3 but the state failed to do so and instead sought more time for...
How new law marks paradigm shift, gives mentally ill many clear rights -Abantika Ghosh
-The Indian Express The rights-based approach departs from the ‘assurance-based approach’ of the new National Health Policy, which essentially perpetuates the status quo, explains The Indian Express. Since the time the Mental Health Bill was introduced in Rajya Sabha in 2013, decriminalisation of suicide has been its calling card. However, the legislation travels beyond just that colonial era relic, assuming a rights-based approach to mental healthcare, and creating circumstances for removal of...
More »Tamil Nadu's Amma canteen concept catches on in other states -Nikita Doval
-Livemint.com Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Andhra Pradesh have started their own versions of Tamil Nadu’s Amma canteens that provide food at heavily subsidized rates New Delhi: The late J. Jayalalithaa’s government in Tamil Nadu had launched Amma Unavagam (Mother’s canteen) with much fanfare in 2013. Meant to provide wholesome food at heavily subsidized rates, the canteens which are run by the government but staffed by women from self-help groups have been a runaway...
More »The long list of Aadhaar linked schemes -K Deepalakshmi
-The Hindu The UID number, popularly known as Aadhaar, was envisaged as an end to fake or multiple identities The UID number, popularly known as Aadhaar, was envisaged as an end to fake or multiple identities. However, the ambitious scheme has been facing controversies and successive governments have been silent on questions on the security of personal data collected by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). A Constitution Bench of the...
More »'Maximum human trafficking cases in WB followed by Rajasthan'
-PTI West Bengal topped the list of states with the maximum number of human trafficking cases in 2016 followed by Rajasthan as the two accounted for around 61 per cent of such cases in the country. Of the 8,132 such cases registered across the country last year, 3,576 were from West Bengal and 1,422 from Rajasthan, government officials said. Rajasthan was followed by Gujarat where 548 such cases were reported last year. Maharashtra...
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