—PTI Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati faced the heat on the multi-crore National Rural Health Mission scam on Friday even as six health officials, including the chief medical officer, were booked on charges of criminal conspiracy and murder of an accountant in connection with the corruption case. An FIR, under sections 302 (murder) and 120B (criminal conspiracy), was lodged with the city police against six health officials, Additional Superintendent of Police Rajiv...
Deal with it
-The Indian Express Don’t panic that Maoists have won panchayat polls. Isn’t getting them into the system the idea? The Centre has expressed alarm that, in the ongoing Orissa local elections, Maoists have inserted themselves into the very system they also want to destroy. Despite the boycott and attacks on security officials in the area, it turns out that candidates with Maoist links have won around 30 blocks in eight districts, including...
More »Prescription medicines top intoxicant pile available to addicts by Ashok Pradhan
The recent toxic liquor tragedy killing 33 persons in Cuttack and Khurda districts has brought to the spotlight at least eight types of medicines being misused by addicts in various parts of the state. The latest deaths occurred due to methyl alcohol in Epee-Carm Carminative and concentrated Cinnamon water. That may be a routine misuse going horribly wrong, because ethyl alcohol got replaced by methyl alcohol and the latter is poisonous. Doctors...
More »Rs 5 lakh for wrong shot
-The Telegraph The Assam Human Rights Commission has granted a compensation of Rs 5 lakh to the family of a woman who died because of alleged medical negligence at Gauhati Medical College Hospital (GMCH) in 2006. Commission member Jyoti Prasad Chaliha today said they had directed the Assam health department to pay a compensation of Rs 5 lakh to the family of Latika Das, 35, who passed away at the GMCH on...
More »Charged with terror, damned by aliases by Vidya Subrahmaniam
Mohammad Aamir had just turned 18, when one February day in 1998, he was ambushed by a police van. A month later, he found himself thrown against the cold, forbidding walls of a prison cell in the capital's Tihar jail. The charges were murder, terrorism and waging war against the nation. Aamir, released in January this year after 14 years, was named the main accused in 20 low-intensity bomb blasts executed...
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