-The Hindu Business Line A set of technologies that deals with production and marketing constraints can work wonders Indian agriculture faces herculean challenges today; yet, the near- and the medium-term outlook on agriculture and agri-businesses seem bright. Growing urbanisation and changing food habits, malnutrition plus declining areas under foodgrain pose a big threat to food security. Agriculture and food production are strongly influenced by international trade, credit availability, development co-operation, climate change and environmental...
Young, unmarried Farmers more prone to suicides, says study -Navrajdeep Singh
-The Hindustan Times Patiala: A new study on Farmers' suicide has revealed that young and unmarried Farmers are more prone to suicides. Increasing frustration among young Farmers because of agrarian crisis is compelling Farmers to commit suicides. Titled "Agrarian distress in Punjab: a study of suicides by Farmers and agricultural labourers", the study concludes that half of the Farmers who committed suicides are below the age of 35 years and out of...
More »A bad season can pose a challenge for new NDA govt
-The Hindustan Times For India, the monsoon is more than just a cool respite: It's the economy's life-blood. It's a long expedition nature undertakes each year. Drafts of early-summer breeze in from the southern Pacific stream northwards, preparing to travel more than 8,000 km to reach Asia in time and picking up moisture on the way. If the Pacific winds are one essential ingredient of a perfect monsoon, the Indian...
More »Will access to toilets guarantee women's security in rural India? -Jitendra
-Down to Earth The Badaun rape incident shows how vulnerable women are to sexual violence when there are no toilets in homes The shocking incident of gang rape and murder of two minor girls in Uttar Pradesh's Badaun district has drawn horrified reactions from leaders across the world. While most of the media attention has been on the apathy and insensitivity shown by the Akhilesh Yadav government and the police force, what...
More »Farmers look for green shoots-Ajay Vir Jakhar
-The Business Standard They were unimpressed by the UPA's misguided socialism, but they worry about the new regime's free-market orientation too Consider this paradox. The Congress Party-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) was decimated in the elections in spite of several years of good monsoon and rising agricultural production. Consider another paradox. This was the regime that implemented policies that were presumed to be pro-Farmer: the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, the...
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