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An e-dawn for farmers -MA Siraj

-Deccan Herald A novel technology-aided crop protection programme helps farmers in Raichur combat pests and diseases. M A Siraj reveals the secret behind the healthy produce in Raichur. Information Technology (IT) is no longer the exclusive preserve of the city folk. It is making subtle inroads into farming communities of Karnataka. Those who saw the elitist bias in IT would be better off making amends if they thought an e-future only a...

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NEERI team arrives in Kolhapur to assess river pollution

-The Times of India KOLHAPUR: A team of three experts from the National Environment Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) arrived in Kolhapur on Monday to study the impact of pollution on the Panchganga river. The experts held meetings with officials of the Kolhapur Municipal Corporation (KMC), the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) and environmental experts. "The team conducted a series of meeting on day one. The team is expected to visit locations by tomorrow....

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India's MDG Score Card: Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

In its latest report, the Statistical Year Book, India 2014 conveys that India is clearly on track to attain the MDG-2 (achieve universal primary education) and MDG-8 (develop a global partnership for development). However, the results are either mixed or poor in terms of India's performance in achieving the rest of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The chart below provides the MDG scenario from a bird's eye view.   The new...

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Link between scanners and falling child sex ratio in Kerala?-Shyama Rajagopal

-The Hindu Health officials on a mission to check illegal use of scanning machines under the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and prevention of misuse) Act 1994 Kochi (Kerala): Is there a potential link between the high number of scanning machines in the private medical institutions, many of them allegedly without proper records, and the dipping child sex ratio in Kerala? Since the health officials don't want to misread the situation, they have been...

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Gujarat Behind National Average in Fall in Maternal Mortality Rate

-Outlook Ahmedabad: Gujarat has done a little worse than the national average when it comes to achieving decline in the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) and Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), according to the Union Health Ministry. TFR, which signifies the number of children born per woman, fell from 2.8 in 2005 to 2.4 in 2011 in the state, as per the Sample Registration System (SRS) data. The national decline in TFR in this period...

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