PRIME Minister Manmohan Singh complimented his government on the progress of flagship programmes in his opening statement at the national press conference held recently, but was candid about challenges related to their implementation. UPA’s schemes for the poor have been at the core of the government’s ‘inclusive development’ agenda and were credited with bringing Congress back to power. Yet the government is unable to implement well the Mahatma Gandhi National...
Reforming political funding
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh iterated the need to have a larger political consensus on the issue of financing of political parties and elections, replying to a question during his press conference on Monday. But that is merely one, though critical, aspect of the wider need for political reforms in the country. It is an area sorely in need of attention. For, even issues like building infrastructure, investing in health care...
More »Public-private partnership in education by Jandhyala BG Tilak
The PPP model proposed in the Eleventh Plan provides for no government or social control over education. It will lead to the privatisation and commercialisation of education using public funds. Public-private partnership (PPP) has become a fashionable slogan in new development strategies, particularly over the last couple of decades. It is projected as an innovative idea to tap private resources and to encourage the active participation of the private sector...
More »UPA's flagship programmes like NREGA progressing well: PM
Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on the occasion of completion of one year of the UPA Government in its second term said on Monday that the flagship programmes launched by his government are progressing well. "I will briefly highlight some of the important steps we have taken over the past year and also the pressing challenges that confront the nation,' Dr. Singh said during his opening remarks at the national...
More »No mid-day meal for 12 crore children? by Akshaya Mukul
Come July and 12 crore children benefiting from the mid-day meal (MDM) scheme may go without food as states have nearly run out of foodgrain and fresh supply is caught up in wrangling over the mode of payment. Foodgrain for every quarter is usually lifted a month in advance. But with June approaching and the department of food and public distribution and HRD ministry still to resolve differences on payment,...
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