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Against human rights -Faizan Mustafa

-The Hindu Encounter killings militate against the rule of law Cicero famously said, “We are in bondage to the law in order that we may be free.” John Adams said about the Massachusetts Constitution that it was intended to have a “government of laws not of men”. The rule of law has rightly Been argued to be part of the basic structure of the Indian Constitution. It is an unqualified human good....

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Midday meal split call to beat hunger -Basant Kumar Mohanty

-The Telegraph New Delhi: A pilot study on the midday meal scheme has recommended splitting it into light snacks and a light meal because it found that 70 per cent children in government schools were coming to class on an empty stomach and failing to focus on studies. The study, conducted by the NGO Swami Sivananda Memorial Institute in the Sohawal and Masauda blocks of Faizabad district in Uttar Pradesh, reported that...

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Amid Backlash, Modi Government Eases Rules on Cattle Trade Any reference to the term “slaughter” will be removed in the new version of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Regulation of Livestock Market) Rules, 2017. New Delhi: Less than a year after the Centre banned the sale and purchase of ‘cattle’ from animal markets for slaughter, thus depriving farmers of any resale value for their cattle and leading to a spike in cow vigilantism, the Modi government has decided to...

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Stemming the tide of agrarian distress -Seema Bathla & Ravi Kiran

-The Hindu Rather than just increased budgetary outlays, farmers need plans that will rescue them from crop failure Similar to the last two Budgets, this year’s pro-agriculture intentions are palpable through increased outlays to the agricultural sector and initiation of various programmes. They seem impressive, but closer scrutiny shows that the measures may be of little help to stem the tide of agrarian distress. There are some real challenges confronting three...

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Farmers' protest to hit Gujarat next month -Maulik Pathak Farmer organizations in Gujarat plan a five-day protest in Gandhinagar next month over allocation of Narmada waters, crop insurance and minimum support price Ahmedabad: Farmer organizations in Gujarat plan to hold a five-day protest in Gandhinagar next month to voice concerns over the allocation of Narmada waters and demands on issues such as crop insurance and minimum support price. “Despite repeated written presentations to Gujarat government, our issues have not Been addressed....

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