Total Matching Records found : 9118

Controlling water in rice fields cuts methane emissions -Henrylito D Tacio Farmers, particularly those growing rice, can help reduce methane emissions into the atmosphere by adopting controlled irrigation or alternate wetting and drying (AWD) technology. Developed by the Laguna-based International Rice Research Institute (Irri), AWD is a technology that allowed rice fields to dry for a certain period before applying irrigation water. Also called controlled irrigation or intermittent irrigation, AWD technology can actually save Farmers almost one-third of irrigation water without sacrificing yields....

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Agri Ministry to bring down market fee in APMC yard -Anindita Dey

-The Business Standard Mumbai: The Ministry of Agriculture proposes drastic reduction in the market fee and commission charges paid in the Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee ( APMC) markets. To this effect, it also suggest abolishing the present system of licensing of traders / commission agents by substituting it with system of registration. Accordingly, there will be a single unified registration for the main market and collection...

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Crop failure claimed only one life in 9 years: Gujarat govt -Vijaysinh Parmar

-The Times of India RAJKOT: Only one farmer committed suicide in Gujarat because of crop failure between 2003 and 2012! This is what the Gujarat government wants people to believe despite the furore over farmer suicides in the state. This came out in the form of a letter from Union agriculture ministry to RTI activist Bharatsinh Zala on the direction from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO). Zala had sought Prime Minister Manmohan...

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‘Strengthen PDS instead of promoting cash transfers’-V Sridhar

-The Hindu Protect interests of Farmers while safeguarding ecology, he says Kochi: Agriculture has become a "legal responsibility" of the state following the enactment of the Food Security Act, eminent agricultural scientist M.S. Swaminathan said on Thursday. Delivering the inaugural address at the Tenth Anniversary conference of the Foundation of Agrarian Studies here, Prof. Swaminathan said, "Right to Food can be implemented only with home-grown food." Observing that public procurement of coarse cereals was...

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Organic Farm Fresh: “Those who quit agriculture are coming back through organic farming”-Sarayu Srinivasan

-The Alternative Parveen Kumar works in the farms of Uddhampur District, Jammu & Kashmir, where the Government has posted him on a project that allots about 100 to 200 hectares of land each to grow and train Farmers in organic cultivation. Parveen grows wheat, maize and pulses in the 100 hectares that he is in-charge of. Crops are chosen by the government after analysing the market demand in the area. Thus,...

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