The India growth story is enviable. Despite plaguing problems, India has emerged stronger and resilient to the global crisis so far. India is expected to be the world's fastest growing economy by 2018, according to Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the research arm of the Economist magazine. India, the second largest growing economy will overtake China as the fastest growing major economy with an average of eight per cent in the...
Farmers give SRI tips to experts by Sanjeev Kumar Verma
Seventeen-year-old Jayjeet Kumar of Gaya's Ghantadih village does not know much about complicated chemical reactions or for that matter, about quadratic equations, the reason being that he is only a student of Class VIII. But when it comes to taking a robust crop from minimum investment, this teenager is miles ahead of many agriculTure experts. So much so that the Ghantadih boy donned the role of a farming expert on...
More »Is Sonia's NAC-2 a Super Cabinet? by Sheela Bhatt
"It is wrong to say that we will become a super cabinet. We are here to get the Indian bureaucracy to see reason to carry forward social projects related to areas like health, food, agriculTure speedily and make sure that people like (Planning Commission deputy chairman) Montek Singh Ahluwalia gets the correct picTure and figures on social issues," a member of the National Advisory Council told The member argued...
More »‘India lags in mom, child mortality fight’ by Subodh Varma
At the beginning of this millennium in year 2000, 189 countries and 23 international health agencies had pledged to reduce child under-5 mortality by two-thirds and maternal mortality by three-fourths by 2015. These were called the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) number 4 and 5. With only five years left for the target year, a clutch of international health agencies and NGOs have come out with ‘‘Countdown to 2015 — Decade...
More »‘Iron’ic? Story of the Great Indian Loot by Shankar Raghuraman
Take a look at the accompanying map and you can’t but notice the extent of overlap between India’s thickly forested areas, the regions with the bulk of the country’s most important mineral wealth and the territory over which Maoists are dominant. Is this just a coincidence? No, that would stretch credulity. So what connects the Maoist menace with forests and mining? Clearly, forests give a guerilla force its best chance...
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