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A cleaner act: 50% of Bengaluru waste segregated at source -Sunitha Rao R

-The Times of India BENGALURU: From small beginnings, Bengaluru is finally segregating much more waste at source. Over 50% of waste generated in the city is being segregated, says the latest daily report of the BBMP's solid waste management wing. Of the total waste of 4039.76 tonnes generated on April 4, 2057.03 tonnes were segregated at source. In all, 1677.65 tonnes of wet waste and 362.65 tonnes of dry waste were segregated...

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India's first community radio still makes the right connect -R Avadhani

-The Hindu Sangam, which went on air in 2008, continues its two-hour broadcast in Telugu and reaches out to people of 150 villages in Telangana Musligari Nagamani, a farmer, is listening to the radio sitting a few inches away from her as she cooks dinner on firewood in her tiled-roof house. The broadcast in Telugu is peppered with local colloquialisms and slang. This is how evenings are spent in most houses in...

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Vulnerable tribes: lost in a classification trap -Shiv Sahay Singh

-The Hindu A recent AnTHRopological Survey of India (AnSI) publication has brought to the fore startling revelations about the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) in the country inc- luding the fact that no base line surveys have been conducted among more than half of such groups. “Our findings revealed shocking facts, of the 75 PVTGs, base line surveys exists for about 40 groups, even after declaring them as PVTGs,” states the publication:...

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LOKNITI-CSDS-KAS survey: Mind of the youth

-The Indian Express Out of India’s 1.25 billion people, 65 per cent are aged 35 and under, and about half the total population is yet to turn 25. What is in the mind of this unmatched youth demographic? A year ago, the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) conducted a sample survey-based study that sought to answer key questions about how India’s...

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From being world leader in surveys, India is now facing a serious data problem -Abhijit V Banerjee, Pranab Bardhan, Rohini Somanathan & TN Srinivasan

-The Economic Times blog In December 1956, Zhou En Lai, the Chinese premier and, after Mao, the second mostpowerful man in China, created much consternation by refusing to leave his meeting at the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) office at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) in Kolkata. He was talking to Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, the founder of the institute, and one of the pioneers in the field of survey methods. Zhou was...

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