Total Matching Records found : 9984

In Defence of Public Education-Manabi Majumdar and Kumar Rana

-Economic and Political weekly Drawing on the research on basic education in West Bengal, this essay argues the case for a much criticised public education system, which needs to be reconsidered as regards its potential as a provider of quality education, even while addressing its many failings. The essay follows an approach, both critical and constructive, that underlines the collective onus of the public in realising the value of the public...

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Flunking Atomic Audits-MV Ramana

-Economic and Political Weekly The recent Comptroller and Auditor General's report on the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board and, more broadly, on nuclear safety regulation has highlighted many serious organisational and operational flaws. The report follows on a series of earlier CAG reports that documented cost and time overruns and poor performance at a number of nuclear facilities in the country. On the whole, the CAG reports offer a powerful indictment of...

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Kelkar panel for phased elimination of subsidies -Ashok Dasgupta

-The Hindu Centre not on same page as Kelkar, but puts the report in public domain for “informed debate” The Manmohan Singh government on Friday put the Kelkar Committee report in the public domain for an “informed debate” as the measures prescribed for return to a path of fiscal consolidation appears to have failed to take into account the political and social ramifications. In an indication that the Government is not on the...

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Small is big in Asia’s booming retail sector -A Srivathsan

-The Hindu Organised retail involving FDI and international players can lead to a shrinking of traditional small merchant trade. That is bad news for political parties and governments. When discontent among traders brews, they act. A. Srivathsan looks at how Japan, Indonesia and Thailand responded, using zoning laws and size regulation as a control mechanism. Look East to find out what happens when foreign retailers set up shop. Asia’s recent economic history...

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A salary plan that changes nothing -Maya John

-The Hindu Recently during a press conference called by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the Minister of State (Independent Charge), Krishna Tirath, proposed the formulation of a bill through which a certain percentage of a husband’s salary would be compulsorily transferred to his wife’s bank account to compensate her for all the domestic work she performs for the family. According to the Minister, this percentage of husbands’ salaries would...

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