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SKS I.P.O. Ignites Microfinance Debate

An Indian company that makes tiny loans to villagers aims to raise up to $354 million in an initial public offering, a move critics fear will encourage India’s largest microfinance lender to put shareholders above the poor it serves, The Associated Press writes. SKS Microfinance’s share sale, begun Wednesday, has already drawn the ire of one of the leading lights in the field. A publicly traded company’s traditional obligation is to...

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Bihar sees a growing tribe of rural migrants by Pallavi Singh

Amipur may be a small dot along the national highway from Patna to Nawada, but its ambitions are big. In the 50-odd households in the village, sparsely populated and rife with an uneasy quiet, most men have left for work outside Bihar. Siyaram Chauhan is the one who returned. He was rescued last month by the state government officials from a brick kiln in Uttar Pradesh’s Bahraich where he worked as...

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Does the govt know how to control rising prices? by Subodh Varma

Does the government really have any clue about how to go about controlling prices? A quick survey of statements made by everybody from the prime minister downwards shows a picture of groping in the dark, while handing out empty assurances from time to time. What is worse, it's all smoke and mirrors for the public. Coming as it does from a government that is loaded with top-notch economists, it is...

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Blueprint for farm growth by Mohan Dharia

Acting with determination and firm action, it should be possible for India to step up its agricultural growth rate to 10 per cent. The 11th Five Year Plan seeks to achieve 4 per cent growth rate in agriculture by the end of the Plan period. The Planning Commission is working towards an overall 9 per cent to 10 per cent growth rate. But the target of 4 per cent growth rate is...

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Abandoning godowns, FCI opts for the open by Manish Tiwari

Hemant Gupta’s 30,000-tonne capacity godown for storing foodgrain is one of the largest in Ferozepur, Punjab. In 1978, the Food Corporation of India (FCI) hired it on a monthly rent of Rs75,000, or 50 paise per sq. ft—eventually raised to 80 paise per sq. ft. In 2004, Gupta says, FCI abruptly vacated his godown and stocked the grains in the open nearby. “See the rot within FCI,” says an exasperated Gupta. “They...

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